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Meet Burchard & Associates: Ronda Burchard

Burchard and Associates is more than a recruitment agency. We’re a group of exciting individuals dedicated to helping your business find the right fit for each of your positions. In the interest of getting to know us, we are interviewing members of staff for our blog over the next few months.

For our first staff interview, meet Ronda, our general manager.

What are you most proud of in your career?

I’m most proud of transitioning from a technical accounting career into accounting/financial recruiting.  I’m an extreme extrovert, so working with people, both candidates & clients, is very rewarding for me!

What is your greatest strength?

I think I make people feel comfortable & that they can be open with me & know that they’re safe – what they say will not go any further.  And I think I have a talent for understanding people’s motivations very quickly – both candidates & clients.

What skills are you lacking?

I haven’t kept up with my technical accounting skills.  There’s no reason for me to do that, but I do think about it.

What is your greatest weakness?

I am chronically impatient!!!  NOTHING moves fast enough for me!

Are you willing to travel?

Absolutely!  The more, the better!

What do you like the most and least about working in this industry?

I love how rewarding it is when you find the right match for a candidate & a client – that great moment when it all clicks!  What I like least is when companies try to take the “relationship” out of a relationship business & focus on the lowest bid on a vendor contract.

How do you handle pressure?

I make lists & organize myself!!!  And I work out like crazy!  It’s a huge stress reliever.

What gets you up in the morning?

I love that my husband & I have a business that we run together.  We each bring different strengths & weaknesses to the table, but it works for us!  And it’s great to be able to help people!  It just feels good!

What was the last book you’ve read for fun?

I’m currently reading Sherlock Holmes for the third time.  I can’t get enough of him & Dr. Watson!

What are your hobbies? 

Working out at home – I do Insanity & P90X DVD’s among others.  This isn’t exactly a hobby, but my husband & I are host parents for two months each summer to a German student.  We are currently hosting our fourth student & it is loads of fun & leads to wonderful long-term relationships!  And we can’t forget about purse & shoe shopping!

Burchard & Associates provides a personal approach to accounting and tax recruitment for St. Louis and beyond. We are ready to listen to YOU.

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