Hiring Managers Win Big When Working With Financial Recruiting Firms

As the hiring manager responsible for a new financial position, you may feel you don’t need the help of any financial recruiting firms. The decision of which person to on-board to your company is crucial, and you know that you’re the person to make that decision.
After all, you’re a valued executive at your company – of course you’ll make an informed, wise decision on the new hire, one that will benefit the company going forward. So why would you need the outside help of one of the many local and national financial recruiting firms offering their services? Because financial recruiting firms have a lot to offer!
Consider this: while you know your company inside and out, how much do you know about recruiting? Can you really devote hours to attracting superior applicants? Do you have the support staff and infrastructure necessary to vet and consider scores of seemingly qualified applicants before you even bring them in for an interview? When you’re making your final hiring decisions, will you be doing so after a thorough process where you made sure to only bring the absolute best candidates into the interview room? If you can answer yes to all of these questions (and you still have the time to perform all your other functions at your company), congratulations: you don’t need the help of financial recruiting firms.
However, if you realized that you’re a busy person, with multiple daily challenges to take on, working with a financial recruiting firm is the way to go. After all, just because you’re enlisting the help of an outside source, it doesn’t mean you’re giving up control of the process. Financial recruiting firms will set up a meeting with you to make sure they understand exactly what it is you need out of your new hire, and why you need those qualities.
Then, it’s the responsibility of the recruiting firm to use their extensive network of contacts and their years of experience to find the very best candidates for the opening you have available. It’s in this area, where you may not have the time or experience to conduct an exhaustive industry-wide search, that financial recruiting firms really excel.
And, even if you work with a recruiting firm, the final step – and in many ways the most important – is turned over to you: you get to interview the finalists, and you, of course, make the decision on which, if any, of the finalists get hired. If, after a few interviews, you feel that better candidates for your position could be found, you can always work with financial recruiting firms to tweak the process, or to bring in different candidates. Essentially, you retain complete control while having access to superior recruiting and vetting resources.
All in all, then, when hiring managers work with financial recruiting firms, they’re getting a win-win situation. The hiring managers are allowing a professional firm to conduct an industry-wide search, while still retaining the ability to direct the process and to make the all-important decision of whom to hire.