No Stone Left Unturned: How to Evaluate Your Career Path
Finally all those résumés sent and interviews attended have paid off: you’ve got a job offer! But now, it’s your turn to review the job opportunity and see if it’s the right one for you. As an experienced professional, you know the ropes — and you should know what you can offer an employer. Regardless of how excited you may feel about this job opportunity, there are many aspects worth considering before accepting the job:
• Salary: Even if money isn’t what drives you instead of most people, it’s important to know if the salary will be enough to pay the bills. You also want to make sure you are going to be paid what you’re worth.
• Benefits: Each organization has a standard benefits plan. Typical benefits plans may include: health and life insurance, vacation, sick time and disability programs. Not sure what else is offered? Ask what additional benefits — it can help with the decision making process.
• Office environment: Each office has a unique atmosphere including a mixture of different factors, like the level of respect managers have for their employees, the attitude among employees, the company’s flexibility and many others. Determine if you would feel comfortable with the environment you perceive the company has.
• Corporate culture: This can be defined as the set of values, practices and goals that characterizes a company. It’s recommended to conduct some research about all these aspects to evaluate if they are coherent to your personal values and beliefs.
Burchard and Associates, a premier accounting and financial recruiting firm, specializes in helping candidates succeed in their job search. Our years of experience qualify us to match the right candidate with the right position. Contact us, or visit our website, to learn more information about our services.