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Bridging the Gap: How to Get Promoted as a Woman in the Workplace

Despite the gains made on behalf of women in the workplace over the decades, they are still woefully underrepresented when it comes to executive positions and promotions. In fact, four out of ten businesses worldwide have no women represented in senior management. While the “glass ceiling” may be less prevalent today, advancing as a woman in the workplace is still a difficult task. As an experienced recruiter specializing in executive level positions, we offer these tips to help ensure your next move is upward.


Speak up for yourself. One reason men are more likely to receive a promotion or a raise than women? They are more likely to ask for it. You can’t count on your superiors to recognize that you are doing a great job and are deserving of a raise.

Take risks. Regardless of gender, few people ever made it to the top of the ladder by playing it safe in their careers. If you’re unhappy in your current position or career, now is the time to take a risk and make a jump. Would you rather advance in a company you love or stay where you are forever with a company you dislike?

Be prepared. Many people think of quarterly or annual reviews as the time that a raise or promotion is doled out, but the truth is this could happen at any time of the year. That’s why it’s important to always be prepared. Know exactly why you are an asset to the company and what you have done for them in your time there. If the time comes for you to part ways with your company, you’ll already have a list of your accomplishments prepared.

Earning a promotion or raise is always an anxiety producing experience, regardless of gender. But for women to begin taking their positions as the heads of companies and earning their fair share, they’ll have to break through the glass ceiling and these tips can help.

Burchard & Associates provides a personal approach to accounting and tax recruitment for St. Louis and beyond. We are ready to listen to YOU.

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