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Setting Yourself Apart: How to Win a Senior Position

At this point in your career, if you’re looking for a senior or executive level position, you know the basics. Asking questions during an interview, wearing a suit and doing your “due diligence” are all common sense to you. But where the job hunt gets difficult for senior level positions is knowing how to set yourself apart from the pack. Literally hundreds of individuals could be applying for a single job. As experienced recruiters, we have a few tips to help set you apart from the pack.

Networking. We’ve said it before and we’ll mention it again. When hiring managers look through piles of résumés and interview dozens of candidates, who you know can be your foot in the door. If you’re not networking with decision makers and the people who matter most in a company, you’re not doing all you can to be considered for a job. If it comes down to you and somebody else who has good connections with current employees at a company, who do you think will be selected?

Highlight your relevant experience.  If you’re not tailoring your résumé for each specific position to which you apply, then you’re not using it to its full capability. Much of the responsibilities in a senior position are leadership oriented, therefore your résumé should cater to that. Did you serve on a committee in a previous job? Or head up a major project? This is the experience that is relevant and should be mentioned.

Do your research. Whether it’s an entry level or senior level position, you should always do research on the company with which you are applying. This is even more so important in senior level positions, where many candidates are internal and are already familiar with the corporate culture. To give yourself a shot at a job against others already within the company, be extra diligent in your research. Know what makes this company (and its employees) tick.

Everybody knows the basics of job hunting and interviewing, but doing so for a senior level position can be even more difficult. By following these tips, you can improve your odds of beating the dozens of other candidates looking to get an open position as well.

Burchard & Associates provides a personal approach to accounting and tax recruitment for St. Louis and beyond. We are ready to listen to YOU.

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