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Leveraging LinkedIn: How to Use Social Media in Your Job Hunt

If the last time you were on the job hunt was a decade ago, then you might be using some antiquated resources for finding a new position. Asking friends, searching job boards and reading the newspaper might be a good way to find open positions, but today’s candidates will need more. One way that prospective candidates can increase the odds of landing their dream job in the 21st century is by leveraging LinkedIn. How?

  • Build up referrals. Before bringing a new employee on, hiring managers will call references. Instead of leaving it to chance with one or two old employers whose reference you might not be able to count on, be prepared with online references through LinkedIn. Former bosses and co-workers can leave you a referral that will be visible for all to see on your profile. But remember – it’s better to give than to receive. If you want a referral, you should give a few of your own first.
  • Get a foot in the door. Does your old college roommate work for the same company with which you are seeking employment? Or is a former co-worker now a potential boss? These are connections you should use, not lose. Keep tabs on all of these people through LinkedIn and use them as a potential foot in the door the next time you see their business is hiring. Don’t think of it as manipulating or cherry picking – think of it as capitalizing on your opportunities.
  • Build connections. How can you get your foot in the door in the first place? With your connections. Building up a LinkedIn profile and connections isn’t something you should do the first day you find yourself out of work. It’s something you should constantly be working on and building so that, when you need it, your network is there.

Remember, LinkedIn may not actually get you a job, but it can help you get an interview. From there, it’s up to you to show what you’ve got. By utilizing this social network now and before you’re on the job hunt, you can be sure that LinkedIn works in your favor when you need it most.

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