Free Marketing 101: Building Your Referral Network
In our current economic climate, who wouldn’t want something for free? Whether it’s a t-shirt, a sample at your local grocery store or a still-wrapped stick of gum on the ground (don’t pick it up), anything free is enticing.
The same goes for any business. As a staffing and recruiting firm specializing in the finance and accounting industry, building your referral network is as critical a marketing piece as any. Also, as a small business, it’s critical that you establish yourself as a leader in your niche and constantly work on developing relationships that last well beyond the final shake of the hand.
As powerful as digital media, social networking and search engine optimization are becoming in companies’ marketing plans, sometimes you just can’t ignore the power of word of mouth. Small businesses that work within a geographic boundary certainly have an uphill climb on social networks, but the voice of a satisfied client can carry a long way.
The idea of referral marketing may or may not involve some type of incentive, but more than often will be the result of a successful mutual relationship between your client and your company. Your ability to provide a client with exceptional service, a sense of trust, and dedication to their success will translate to more opportunities to do the same for others.
Sometimes it just comes down to genuinely caring about your client, your product and your company itself. Reputation goes a long way in a niche market, and your ability to enhance it will certainly lead to future business opportunities.
Does your small business utilize referrals? And if so, what can you do to enhance your referral network?