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The CPA Exam: During the Test

Once you’ve enrolled and studied the material from the Becker Professional Education Review – it’s time to focus on the day of the test.
Here are some tips to help you go into testing day with ease:

Q: How much time should I give myself for each testlet?

Allocate and track your time as you see fit. You will have an allotted time for each section that will be shown on the computer screen as you take the test; it is at your digression to determine how much time you’d like to spend on individual testlets.

Q: May I use a calculator during the exam?

All testing software includes a computer calculator with basic functionalities. You are not permitted to bring your own calculator. A tutorial of this functionality is provided by the AICPA at cpa-exam.org.

Q: What are pre-test questions?

Pretest questions are used to develop future CPA Exams. You will not know which questions are pretest questions and which are actual test questions – but rest assured, these pretest questions will not be computed in your test score.

Q: How is the computer-based exam graded? What is a passing score?

Grades on the CPA Exam range from 0-99 ; 75 is a passing score. Exam questions other than written communication exercises in the simulations are formatted to answer exam questions electronically. A combination of human graders and electronic scoring will be used to score the written exam.

For the Becker Review, visit http://ow.ly/2xwrg.

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